Journey to Light: A Different Way Forward, Restorative Inquiry The Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children

Journey to Light: A Different Way Forward, Restorative Inquiry The Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children

Final Report of the Restorative Inquiry – Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children

The Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children Restorative Inquiry was established following a 17-year journey for justice by former residents of the Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children (NSHCC, or the Home). It was established under the authority of the Public Inquiries Act following a collaborative design process involving former residents, Government, and community members.

This public inquiry was the first of its kind in Canada to take a restorative approach. The Inquiry was a part of the Government of Nova Scotia’s commitment to respond to the institutional abuse and other failures of care experienced by former residents of the Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children.

Tags: Race / Racial Justice; Institutional Abuse / Failures of Care; Child Welfare; Public Inquiries